新闻 6 March 2024


  • 新的管理碳报告和减少澳博官方网站将使组织有信心,他们正在实现净零承诺并遵守法规
  • 将Mitie的建筑环境和能源管理专业知识与Salesforce市场领先的净零云环境、社会和治理管理平台相结合, the end-to-end service streamlines and simplifies carbon data collection, reporting and reduction
  • ‘Emissions Intelligence’ is the latest addition to Mitie’s ‘Plan Zero’, a suite of services to support organisations to decarbonise, improve efficiency and secure their 能源 supply

Mitie has launched a new managed carbon reporting and reduction service, ‘Emissions Intelligence’, 使机构对其排放报告更有信心,并提高效率, 以及提高其实现净零目标进展的透明度.

Mitie在建筑环境脱碳方面的丰富经验为“排放智能”澳博官方网站提供了丰富的信息, as has feedback from 环境、社会和治理 leaders on their specific reporting challenges. With the administration around carbon reporting, 不断发展的立法和可持续发展技能的缺乏是许多组织在履行其碳报告义务方面面临的最大负担, 这个由Salesforce开发的端到端澳博官方网站旨在减轻这些压力, 帮助组织克服捕获和分析大量数据的挑战, 提供决策有用的信息,以指导其环境、社会和治理战略和碳行动计划.

As an experienced carbon consultancy partner, Mitie已经与包括劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)在内的一系列家喻户晓的公司合作, Vodafone, Royal Mail and Essex County Council. 脱碳项目大大改善了建筑,节约了数十万吨二氧化碳.

新的“排放智能”澳博官方网站将Mitie的脱碳专业知识与Salesforce的净零云的完整环境、社会和治理管理平台相结合,使组织能够容纳所有的环境, 社会, 在一个地方管理数据,并将其与组织中的其他数据和系统连接起来. With robust environmental capabilities, the platform spans scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions, supplier engagement and carbon, waste and water management. It also incorporates 社会 and governance metrics. 它的What-If分析工具使组织能够快速评估战略及其对未来碳排放和底线的影响.

With Salesforce’s Net Zero Cloud providing the software ‘backbone’, Mitie will provide a fully managed, end-to-end service leveraging its 1,000-strong team of sustainability specialists and access to 环境、社会和治理 data. Mitie’s team will capture the data, identify carbon reduction pathways, assist in building business cases, track the results and finally prepare carbon disclosure reports as required. Mitie’s extensive decarbonisation portfolio, from solar PV to heat pumps and battery storage, 能否帮助机构实施减排计划,并在实地管理脱碳项目.

“排放情报”澳博官方网站使客户在编制审计级报告时处于更有利的地位, comply with current regulation and prepare for future regulation. 报告可以根据欧洲可持续发展报告标准(ESRS)等主要环境、社会和治理报告框架进行调整。, 与《澳博官方网站》(CSRD)保持一致,并提供定期的平台更新,以确保报告保持前沿.

Phil Bentley, CEO, Mitie said:

“Efficient carbon reporting is an absolute necessity for businesses today. 它不仅是实现净零排放的催化剂,而且是客户的“必需品”, colleagues and investors alike. 我们的“排放情报”澳博官方网站旨在帮助企业在面临越来越严格的监管要求时,通过技术减轻报告负担.

“通过将我们广泛的脱碳能力与Salesforce的技术相结合, we can seamlessly unlock emissions intelligence for our customers. 与整个建筑环境的客户建立了长期的合作关系, 我们理解各行各业的组织在努力实现净零排放的过程中所面临的复杂性.”

Zahra Bahrololoumi CBE, CEO, Salesforce UK and Ireland said:

“As 环境、社会和治理 reporting goes from voluntary to mandatory, 企业面临的商业机会压力,以及处理报告和环境、社会和治理指标的前所未有的风险,从未像现在这样大.

“我们很高兴能与Mitie合作,帮助扩大应对气候紧急情况的行动,并提供一个完整的环境、社会和治理管理解决方案,该解决方案将数据和人工智能与可信赖且灵活的Salesforce平台相结合. We believe our combined strengths — digitised carbon reporting and reduction, 设施改造——将加速英国企业实现净零排放的进程. As business leaders, 我们都有责任通过为包括地球在内的所有利益相关者澳博官方网站来改善世界状况.”

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